Together for the best quality: Selo Packaging & Simons Halal Food

Have you ever wondered why one hot dog snaps perfectly while another does not? Often, the secret lies in the quality and type of casing used. At Simons Halal Food, we strive every day for the highest standard for our products, and that starts with choosing the right packaging for our halal meat. Discover in our latest blog how our 30-year partnership with Selo Packaging has enabled us to deliver the highest quality halal meats every day.

Who Selo Verpakking 

Selo Verpakking (Selo Packaging) is based in Oldenzaal, Twente, The Netherlands, and has been a specialist in artificial casings and food processors for the meat processing industry since 1945. They have also been the representative for Naturin/Viscofan casings for over 70 years. Selo ensures the right type of packaging daily for both small local businesses and large industrial producers in the Benelux.

Have a look at their website

Different flavors make the difference

The art of the tastiest piece of halal meat partly begins with the packaging. Selo Packaging provides us with various types of artificial casings used as coverings for our meat products, including our beloved halal hot dogs. These food processors not only ensure a crispy bite but also make sure that each product meets the highest halal and quality standards. Like us, Selo Packaging is certified according to halal and FSSC 22000 standards. Selo Packaging's artificial casings are used for the following products:

  • Collagen Casings: Made from beef protein. Since they are natural and transparent, at Simons Halal Food, they are mainly used for products like hot dogs and wieners. They are also very suitable for premium products like our Black Angus hot dogs.

  • Cellulose Casings: Primarily designed for hot dogs. Cellulose casings have high elasticity. At Simons Halal Food, these are mainly used for the production of our hot dogs and wieners.

  • Plastic Casings: Particularly suitable for cooked sausages due to their flexibility, but they are also a sustainable alternative. At Simons Halal Food, plastic casings are used for various premium meats, including cooked sausages and sous-vide products, because artificial casings are perfect for maintaining the condition of the meat.

From packaging to the cow's origin 

When you eat halal meat, you not only want to know if the animal was slaughtered correctly but also if it had a good life. Halal meat meets strict Islamic requirements, including animal welfare. At Simons Halal Food, we call this "Dierzaamheid" (animal sustainability). Thanks to our collaboration with Selo Packaging, the casings we use are halal certified. The codes on our packaging make it possible to trace each product, allowing us to ensure quality at every level and assure our customers of genuine halal products.

Always with an eye on sustainability and the planet  

Together, we continuously strive to make our packaging materials more sustainable. In our products, we often use alternatives to plastic, such as recyclable materials and paper pulp, and Selo Packaging helps us with tailor-made products that best suit our halal offerings. This way, we also contribute to the planet.

Together for the best quality

At Simons Halal Food, we are proud of the strong bond we have built with Selo Packaging and how we strive together for the best results. What started 30 years ago with a simple request for artificial casings has grown into a strong, long-lasting partnership based on mutual trust.

“I still remember the director, John (Seegers), from the early days, and I find it particularly impressive how he has turned Simons Halal Food into such a large and successful company over the years.”

~ Oskar Nijkamp, Director at Selo Packaging.

We look forward to continuing the relationship for many years, with ongoing innovation, shared successes, and, above all, the tastiest halal meat as the end result.